Monday, December 2, 2013

Tinikling Dance from VISAYAS

      Tinikling is considered the national folk dance with a pair of dancers hopping between two bamboo poles held just above the ground and struck together in time to music. Originated from Leyte Province, this dance is in fact a mimic movement of “tikling birds” hopping over trees, grass stems or over bamboo traps set by farmers. Dancers perform this dance with remarkable grace and speed jumping between bamboo poles.

Banga Dance of LUZON

         This dance displays the Igorot women on their way to the river to fetch the daily water supply for their families. It shows the skill and strength of the women as they would carry heavy laiden clay pots (Banga) full of water. Their grace and agility while balancing the heavy pots, sometimes stacks 5 high, is a testiment of the Filipino and how hardships become a art form and talent. As a young girl you would start with only one pot. Of course as you become older and more experienced, along with the fact that you could provide more water for your family in one trip. Pots could be stacked as high as 5 or 6. The more pots you could carry showed your skill and also you standing amoung the women of that area. They would all gather and march to the river each day, singing a native song which is represented by the flute and banging of bamboo on iron pots in the dance......

Saturday, November 30, 2013


          Dance is a type of art that generally involves movement of the body, often rhythmic and to music. It is performed in many cultures as a form of emotional expressionsocial interaction, or exercise, in a spiritual or performance setting, and is sometimes used to express ideas or tell a story. Dance may also be regarded as a form of nonverbal communication between humans or other animals, as in bee dances and behaviour patterns such as a mating dances.

          The DANCE can reveal everything mysterious that is hidden in MUSIC, and it has the additional merit of being human. DANCING is poetry with arms and legs. -Charles Baudelaire

          We dance for hopes, we dance for laughter, we dance for madness and fears, we dance to scream but we create our dreams. Dancing is our love and passion. We get nervous when we are presenting in a small class at school, but we don't get stage fright when we are dancing in front of hundreds of people. THANKS- to - DANCE. We dance because there's no greater feeling in the world than moving to a piece  of music and letting the rest of the world disappear.